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Françoise Labrique

Professor of Egyptology (retired)

Institute of African Studies and Egyptology
50923 Cologne

Office: Meister-Ekkehart-Str. 9, third floor

Tel: +49-(0221)-470-36929
Email: francoise.labrique[at]

Recent publications

  • Labrique, F. 2017. L'horizon d'Amon et au-delà, d'après le propylône de Khonsou à Benenet. In Baumann, S., Kockelmann, H. (eds.), Der Tempel als ritueller Raum. Akten der internationalen Tagung, Haus der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 9-12 Juni 2015, 493-506. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Labrique, F. 2015. Les soubassements du propylône de Khonsou à Benenet: notules philologiques. In Rickert, R., Ventker, B. (eds.), Altägyptische Enzyklopädien. Soubassementstudien I, 841-854. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Labrique, F. 2015. Herodots Blick auf den Phoinix. In Garcia Ramon, J.-L., Kölligan, D. (eds.), Strategies of Translation: Language contact and Poetic Language. Proceedings of the Workshop Cologne, December 17-18, 2010, 131-154. Rom, Pisa: Fabrizio Serra.

Research interest

  • Ancient Egyptian and Greek religion and literature
  • Culture contact between ancient Egyptian and Greece
  • Iconography of tombs and temples in ancient Egypt

Research projects

  • The temple of Kom Ombo: epigraphy and publication of the wall decoration (DFG; in cooperation with Ayn Schams University, Cairo, and the Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Cairo)
  • The propylone of Khonu in Karnak: translation and commentary
  • The Saitic chapels in Ayn el-Muftella (North Bahariya): epigraphy and publication of the wall decoration (in cooperation with the Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Kairo, and Strasbourg University)