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PhD first supervisor

Anouk Everts, Moulding Love: A Study of Changing Perceptions of Sexuality and the Body in Hellenistic Egypt and the Mediterranean through Female Egyptianising Terracotta Figurines (second supervisor: J. M. Versluys, Leiden).

Isabell Steinhardt-SedlakSoziale Netzwerke im Mittleren Reich (second supervisor: S. Seidlmayer, Cairo/Berlin).

Lisa Augner, Wissensorganisation und Körperpraxis: Körperteilbegriffe in heilkundlichen Texten des alten Ägypten (second supervisor: C. Di Biase-Dyson, Sydney).

Lena Tambs, Socio-economic relations in Ptolemaic Pathyris: a network analytical approach to a bilingual community (second and third supervisors: L. Morenz, Bonn, and K. Ryholt, Copenhagen). Completed 2020.

Tobias Gutmann, Ägyptische Ressourcengewinnung als wirtschaftsarchäologisches Problem (second supervisor: A. Zimmermann, Cologne). Completed 2020.

Tatjana Beuthe, Administration in early Egypt and Mesopotamia: a comparative study of cylinder seals (together with K. Wright, London; second supervisor: M. Altaweel, London). Completed 2015.

Sally Bahgat, Social protocol in ancient Egypt (second supervisor: B. Lurson).

PhD second supervisor

Els Barnard, Economic systems of daily life in classic Maya society: a household based approach (first supervisor: N. Grube, Bonn). Completed.

Aris Legowski, Das altägyptische Totenbuch als Wirtschaftsfaktor innerhalb des Redistributionskomplexes Göttertempel (first supervisor: L. Morenz, Bonn).

Lea Rees, Transformationen der kulturellen Landschaft in Dahschur. Eine landschaftsarchäologische und raumsoziologische Studie der Sozialtopographie Dahschurs (first supervisor: Stephan Seidlmayer, FU Berlin). Completed.

Frederik Rademakers, Into the crucible: methodological approaches to reconstructing crucible metallurgy, from New Kingdom Egypt to Late Roman Thrace (first supervisor: T. Rehren, London/Qatar). Completed 2015.

Micòl di Teodoro, The khenret wer: a new research. A study on the management of temporary manpower in the Egyptian economy oft he MIddle Kingdom (2000-1700 B.C.) (first supervisor: S. Quirke, London). Completed 2015.

Massimiliano Pinarello, An archaeological discussion of writing practice: deconstruction of  the scribe (first supervisor: S. Quirke, London). Completed 2014.
